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The Pink Sofa Reviews

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Editor's Overall Rating:
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Category: Lesbian Dating Websites
Website: http://www.thepinksofa.com

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Safest lesbian dating site online
04 July 2015
Reviewer: Dunerider from MA

172 of 355 people found this review helpful

Chances of Getting a Date:
Quality / Size of Members' Photos:
Help Files / Technical Support:
Ease of Use / Navigation:
Ease of joining / Registration:
Value for Money:
Overall Star Rating:

Pink Sofa requires profile photos an face shots. While some don't like that, really, it's why you're on a dating site, right? The review every photo and profile. I've not once been approached by a man or a bogus account.

I LOVE Chit-Chat. It's live chat, and you can filter it to talk with everyone or women in your country, etc. Really nice feature. The forum is a terrific tool. Best: the profiles of other women. Again, Pink Sofa makes sure the profiles are well filled out.

Some don't like the oversight/supervision, but really, it provides not only a quality experience, but you know there are admins making sure that men aren't on the site and there are not scammers.

They've been around forever, and an out lesbian owns and runs the site. I really like this. I'm suspicious of lesbian dating sites owned by men - and many of them are.

Check for hugely discounted promotions - they run them often!

Two thumbs up to Pink Sofa!

In summary, I would recommend The Pink Sofa to a friend.

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